My name is Ricard Vallina. I'm a professional violinist, based in Granollers, near Barcelona. Along my career, I've played classical music, catalan folk and jazz, but I always have been fond of irish dance music. Especially since I started to play with the mythical Mc Andrew Brothers, in 1996. Another important moment was when I spent few months in 2007 in Brighton, UK, where I participated with pleasure and excitement in the weekly sessions in the tavern The Pond.
The fiddle is my instrument, but I've always been attracted by the mesmerizing sound of the irish flute, as well as the strong rythmic feel of the way of playing in the irish style.
Given the inconvenience of making an expenditure on a new instrument, the discovery of an important amount of documentation about making pvc flutes, and the curiosity of playing an instrument made by myself, I began the adventure of building flutes.
You can check the results in the images, videos and audios, and of course, playing them!